User Guide

About Duke

Duke is a personal assistant chat bot with a command line interface to manage all your upcoming tasks

Quick Guide

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.
  2. Download the latest Duke.jar here.
  3. Store Duke.jar at the folder you intend to use as your home folder.
  4. Navigate to the folder in your Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (MacOS & Linux).
  5. Type java -jar Duke.jar to start the app.

Refer to the next section Features for details of each command.


Feature 1. Create new Todo: Todo

Adds a new Todo to the TaskList

Syntax: todo DESCRIPTION

Example of usage:

todo buy lunch

Expected outcome:

    1. [T][N] buy lunch

Feature 2. Create new Deadline: Deadline

Adds a new deadline to the TaskList

Syntax: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE

Example of usage:

deadline complete CS1010 Assignment /by 10-03-2022

Expected outcome:

    2. [D][N] complete CS1010 Assignment ( by: 10-03-2022 ) 

Feature 3. Create new Event: Event

Adds a new event to the TaskList.

Syntax: event DESCRIPTION /at DATE

Example of usage:

event attend cousin wedding /at 01-04-2022

Expected outcome:

    3. [E][N] attend cousin wedding  ( at: 01-04-2022 ) 

Feature 4. List all tasks: List

List out all the existing tasks in the TaskList

Syntax: List

If there are existing tasks

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

    1. [T][N] buy lunch
    2. [D][N] complete CS1010 Assignment ( by: 10-03-2022 ) 
    3. [E][N] attend cousin wedding  ( at: 01-04-2022 ) 
    Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

If there are no existing tasks

Example of usage:
Expected outcome:

Feature 5. Mark existing tasks: Mark

Marks an existing task in the TaskList

Syntax: mark INDEX

If there are existing tasks

Example of usage:
mark 1
Expected outcome:
    You have marked -- [T][Y] buy lunch

If there are no existing tasks

Example of usage:
mark 1
Expected outcome:
    Out of Bound!

Feature 6. Delete existing tasks: Delete

Deletes an existing task in the TaskList

Syntax: delete INDEX

If there are existing tasks

Example of usage:
delete 1
Expected outcome:
    You have deleted -- [T][Y] buy lunch

If there are no existing tasks

Example of usage:
delete 1
Expected outcome:
    Out of Bound!

Feature 7. Find existing tasks: Find

Find an item using a keyword in the TaskList

Syntax: find KEYWORD

If there are existing tasks

Example of usage:
find lunch
Expected outcome:
    1. [T][N]buy lunch
    There are 1 items found.

If there are no existing tasks

Example of usage:
    find boy
Expected outcome:
    Item not found!!!

Feature 8. Exit the program: Exit

Exits the program

Syntax: bye

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

    Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

Feature 9. Saving information